Self-Directed Learning Strategies and Knowledge Construction of University Students: Achieving Learning Goals and Managing Cognitive Load


  • Yuwen Lu



Constructivism, Self-Directed Learning, Cognitive Development Cognitive Load, Knowledge Construction.


This study delved into the self-directed learning strategies employed by university students to construct knowledge and manage cognitive load, aiming to achieve their learning goals. Addressing a gap in understanding how students align these strategies with cognitive and motivational principles, the research aimed to investigate specific strategies and their effectiveness. The novelty of this research lies in its qualitative exploration within diverse educational contexts, contributing practical frameworks for integrating self-directed learning (SDL) with knowledge construction. Employing a qualitative methodology, the study involved interviews with 10 university students from various disciplines to uncover their learning strategies and cognitive load management techniques. Results indicated that students commonly utilized task prioritization, content organization tools, and collaborative discussions for knowledge construction, while managing cognitive load through task breakdown, rest periods, and focus on essential material. Digital platforms and interactive media emerged as critical tools in SDL. In summary, this study selects appropriate SDL strategies for learners, enhances their learning goals, and promotes the implementation of SDG4.


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How to Cite

Lu, Y. (2025). Self-Directed Learning Strategies and Knowledge Construction of University Students: Achieving Learning Goals and Managing Cognitive Load. International Journal of Education and Social Development, 2(1), 13-19.